Thursday, June 14, 2018

Electric and Affordable

French car-maker Renault is part of a larger conglomerate: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi.
They announced, yesterday, an investment of 1 billion Euros to refurbish four car-making
facilities in France toward the production of electric cars. For the French market, they
foresee eight 100% electric models and twelve hybrid by 2022.

                                             *     *     *

The European Union has unanimously voted to impose tariffs on goods produced in
America to counter steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by the US. The could come into effect
June 20, or wait till July First to harmonize with Canadian tariffs. Care is being taken
to tax goods made in America, rather than those proposed by American companies, which
might be made anywhere. In effect, they hit on agricultural areas, often those
that voted for President Trump.

They will be taxing jeans and make-up.

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