Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Price of M

It would be absurd to not recognize the presence of milk alternatives in the North
American diet, and the displacement this has on he dairy market itself. Millenials
are migrating to almond milk (the great favorite), replacing milk in their diets for
eating with cereals, smoothies and so forth. These milks occupy the shelves in
supermarket - not refrigerated unless opened - although,  here in Canada, they are
more expensive than regular milk products.

Personally, I'm a bit of a holdout, finding them less filling. Indeed they are, clocking
in at half the calories of even lower-fat milk. That may be part of their appeal,
especially if used with protein powders by those who go to the gym.

So a practical choice for some: the health enthusiasts. And a principled choice for
others: the vegans, and those suspicious of dairy generally. It is a quickly expanding

Demographically, the population is aging ie the age pyramid holds more elderly people.
So per capita consumption of everything should be down, like ice cream. No surprise
there. But concerns with health initially created a market for yogurt, and is today pushing
many away from dairy altogether.

                                                       *     *     *

How does Canada's management of offer in the dairy industry work. It comes down to
this: a farmer needs permission to produce milk ie bring it to market, and quotas are
established annually by province. They are also traded, so it is not Dictatorial control but
there is a market within a market, as well.

And for hot news, Maxime Bernier - the defeated leadership candidate famous for opposing this system - has just been booted from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet. Serious business...

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