Saturday, June 2, 2018


OMG I missed National Doughnut Day (USA) 🍩, which was yesterday.
Can I ever catch up?

Seriously, I'm pretty angry about the whole calorie counting thing. It's -  at
one level - a truism that one will loose weight by cutting calories. But it is also
disturbingly stupid to approach weight management from the calorie ingested
perspective; and then decry metabolic adaptation: the fact that the body will
switch to do more with less after a period of deprivation. Of course it will, that too is a
a survival mechanism.

I think back to that female doctor in the 1930s who - herself  gaining weight - had the
flashy idea to approach dieting through calories. If I just keep the calorie count down,
weight loss will result without having to worry about this and that, ie incidentally, she thought.
Thus calorie restricted weight loss was born.To the damn of subsequent generations.

Was it a stupid idea, a fat and lazy approach to a serious issue. There was an insight there,
that science does provide markers. Actually, it was ge-ni-ous, as current internet culture
would define it. A bad good idea one needs to approach with a grain of salt.

So that expanding doctor had a problem, born of a shifting context: as sugary treats
became widely available, people could gain weight not always knowing why. Because the context
of social control was no longer up the evolution of the technical parameters ie available foods.

What is the current context, and is it truly failing us. Abundant food is a joyous thing
for us smart apes. In an information and marketing-driven culture, every day is Doughnut
Day. Hoorah! And there is a manic party  on the Web with eaters of all varieties
celebrating it all. Hoorah, Hoorah. So lets celebrate weight control, because not only do we
have abundant food, but we have abundant foods of all kinds, which  allows us to fine-tune
our appearance and well-being.

I didn't eat a doughnut yesterday, but it was raining and I dug out a fancy raisin bun from
the freezer to cheer myself a bit. ( I had half, with cheese, to both enjoy the treat and avoid
the insulin roller coaster. In point of fact, these two tasted great together, and I felt not only
pleasure but a sense of satiety eating it.) A portion of cottage cheese is currently thawing on the
counter, which I will eating with a banana for today's breakfast. A whole banana, you diet police of
yesterday who said to never eat a whole banana, if at all for calorie restriction.

Cheers, as I sip my morning brew - black - because it will help that sweet banana go down later!!

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