Wednesday, January 16, 2019


After a day when the temperature soared to 1°C, it is
zipping down tonight to -20°C and should be at -15°C
tomorrow morning... for my walk. To spruce up my courage,
I baked a cake, a 'magic' cake with a range of texture, from
dry to moist. These cakes are currently a thing, and I am including
the Pinterest  recipe below.

The cake rises solely on whipped egg whites, and because there
is more milk than one would expect and a scant amount of
flour, things stay soggy on the bottom.

There is also a LOT of butter, and real vanilla. Should taste

(Tastes like a really good pancake.)

Problem for me: I am now out of milk and will HAVE to venture out
to the store.

                                         *     *     *

                                                         *     *     *
My breakfast at 10 am. (Yes, that is a radish with my Egg-O). I like to
keep serious carbs for after dark; I might need brain alertness during the

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