Monday, January 21, 2019


January is well advanced, and many 'gurls' young and old may be feeling
discouraged with their diet efforts. I am no health expert, but I have seen
many Januaries. Below, a compendium of strategies that I have found helpful
over the years to loose a few.

1- The GOLDEN RULE OF DIETING: Keep it out of the house. If it is in the house,
and it can be anything apparently innocent like a package of tea biscuits, and you
are dieting, you will eventually crack and eat some at the wrong time, and in
quantities that are a disgrace to humanity. It's a brain thing, keep it out.

2 - corollary to 1 EAT IT OUT: it's nice to go shopping, stop  in at the food bar.
Make a date with yourself for a treat on an outing. With a black coffee, have a
donut, or a reasonable-sized cookie. Never more than once a day. Buy it at the
donut place, and eat it there. You are a social animal, dress up, meet up, flirt.

3- DECONSTRUCT : You are having dinner at Mcdonalds with your Significant Other.
Order a hamburger and a salad. Eat the patty and the salad. Put that precious bun
in a plastic bag in your purse, and place it in the freezer when you get home. On
a rainy morning later in the week, put the bun in the toaster and have it with peanut
butter for breakfast. That's your out treat for the day.

4 - SPREAD IT OUT: It's the end of the month and cash is sparse! Order a hamburger
meal at a FastFJ. Have the diet drink with fruit for breakfast, the hamburger for lunch,
the fries with a salad for dinner. You are happy!

5 - EXERCISE YOUR SENSE OF TASTE:You are a burger fiend, how do you like it? With
 mustard and relish? Next time you are up for a slice of bread, spread a bit of m & r on it.
Is this what you actually enjoy? Or have a slice of tomatoe with oil and vinegar and salt.
This is the portal to gourmet dining.

January will come to an end. It is easier to eat lightly in the Spring. Never have
more than one diet drink a day. Have sparkling water or water for the rest.
And don't get me started on booze. 👧

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