Friday, January 4, 2019


As the bi-partisan quibble over funding the American government extends
to fourteen days, an outside observer to the situation might wish for an adult in 
the room. And that adult will have to be public opinion. The sticking point about 
funding for the border wall actually gets us into a rather complicated issue. We 
need to go back to the beginnings of construction of a wall - and remote sensing 
for unwalled areas - to appreciate what might be going on.

It was a Republican idea that started it all, but it had nothing to do with immigration
The issue was drug smuggling, and how to stop it. The wall, then, was a prison wall
in reverse, meant to keep criminal elements out. And, one might add, a challenge to 
the ingenuity of those lads from South America. The aspect of refugee status for those 
fleeing dangerous situations belongs to another universe of discourse. Canada, for instance, 
has often accepted such refugees, but none of them ever swam over to Canada. They 
were refugees processed on arrival. Put those two aspects together, and you have the 
current American border problematique. Gangs making a business of helping individuals 
smuggle themselves over that border!!

The Democrats are having none of it. But what are the alternatives? The US need an 
enforceable immigration policy, and an end to that marauding.

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