Tuesday, January 8, 2019


There is currently a very serious discussion in France
about the possibly abusive nature of a proposed law
that would deprive certain people of the right to demonstrate,
and this for life. Is this not a serious attack on democracy?

Trying to make sense of all this - and specifically
of the large numbers involved - and frankly, it's all starting
to look silly to me.

Demonstrate; are you kidding me? It is so windy in the Montreal
region this morning that I don't think I can leave the house. And
we're in for three straight days of rain/snow.

That's your problem, Paris. 13°C and overcast; too cold to sit at a
terrace, but okay for walking. And all that grey weather... Let's

I am not being facetious; I think this is a big part of it. Truckers could use
the fresh air. France just happens to be in the climatic ribbon that invites
this kind of thing. 💁

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