Wednesday, January 9, 2019


So what woud happen if we were to takes this Trump vs
Pelosi standoff to couple's therapy, and try to untangle
communications rather than advance make-it-worse judgements?
Let's have a try.

I am constantly amazed by how much grief President Trump
is expected to take. And does, with great stength of character.
He is the President, and is making proposals out of his campaign
commitments, and personnal experience. He is a military school graduate
and a builder.  That nasty rusting half-done wall needs work. Good for him.

Mrs Pelosi and the Democrats might not like the idea of a wall, but at this
point, they are in charge of the budget and not the Presidency. 'You're not
getting your wall' just sounds peevish.

Taking the other side: 5 billon for a fence? When medical care for all - largely
agreed to - is being sacrificed. That is preposterous. It would also make America
look foolish to not have a solid plan for border security, and rely on Hadrian's
Wall when we are the planet's technological standard...

Voilà the debate, as I see it!

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