Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Dress

On the Bebe Rexa issue.

The happy Bebe, recently nominated for a Grammy, has
complained that designers have refused to dress her for
the ceremony because she is a size 6 - 8. (Models tend to
run a 4).

I doubt very much if anyone refused to sell her a dress. One
needs to understand that designers often just send a dress to
performers who best exemplify their brand for such events. It is
publicity for them.

Frankly, Bebe has nothing to worry about in the looks department.
I wouldn't take the current situation as an insult either. The one designer
dreaming her way might be Kanye West.

The fact that Bleta has been working as Bebe first made me think she
was claiming filiation from Brigitte Bardot, France's 'BB nationale/bébé national'. I
ead on Wikipedia she identified as 'fluid'. As my daughter's friends might
say, "That's fucked up", (but in a good way).

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