Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Are the morbidly obese malnourished? I googled it to
find out. The tone was a little stiff, but the answer is:
in terms of calorie deprivation, of course not; with respect
to protein malnourishment, it would be very hard to achieve
because the body synthesizes protein from other foods;
micronutrient malnourished: might well be true. Because
people who have had bariatric surgery often are and digging
deeper, researchers have found they were before the surgery.
Well, thanks for digging, guys...

The various micronutients help the body perform different functions.
The B vitamins, for instance, are either precursors - building blocks for
proteins - or enablers for enzymes (which metabolize foods).

Bottom line, it's not just brocoli tonight, it's sweet potatoes tomorrow
and spinach day after. And don't even get me going on almonds... and
pine nuts...and chia seeds! Don't starve, eat different foods!!

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