Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reporting In

Before going on a diet of dandelion greens to save the
planet, one might wanr to consider the following picture
of the situation:

If we are to believe these numbers, the EU has been working hard
on the emissions problem. The US has had good years, only to
start emitting again in years of economic recovery. It is China that
has yet to make the big change-over from emitting technologies.

The UN sees us currently on the grey trajectory:

Alright, I'm being facetious on the eating for the planet issue - which is about
sustainability - but one has to choose one's battles. For the diet problem:

                                          *     *     *

Libération has also run a piece on how the Euro has enabled France
to weather the Yellow Vests crisis, with no effect on their currency.
France is still borrowing on favorable terms.

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