Tuesday, November 17, 2020

About Diets

 One's day-to-day life can't really be about loosing weight

through diet because that is a NOT doing ie not eating.

So what does one end up thinking about all the time? The

food one is not eating. And where does that inevitably lead?

A massive EAT of precisely those foods.

Those who have BED Ibinge-eating-disorder) are in even worse

of a pickle. A binge in the therapeutic sense isn't even much

about food any more, but about control. One gains control

over what one is thinking about through loosing control about

gorging with it.

All  that talk about loosing weight being a lot of hard work is misleading.

It may be extra work to fix a salad for a parent with young children at home

eating macaroni. Do I have kalamata olives?? Probably not. That person

has to find time and invest energy to do the diet stuff And then exercise when

dead tired: unlikely. It is not hard work otherwise. 

When one is a child, days are endless, and meals just show up. If one is

passing time till dinner as an adult coloring, one is obsessed with food.

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Looked up the word 'binge' to get the precise meaning.

What came back was : to indulge in an excessive manner. 

That sounded suspicious to me, one of those webspeak thingies. 

Asked for a translation of 'indulge' to French and got back

'se livrer' ie to give oneself over to a moment of pleasure, like

stopping for ice cream at the Mall. Not a binge, but not an exercise

in healthy eating. Pleasure.

Which reminds me that, although a meal needs to be pleasant

enough, it need not be a bell-ringer. A decent feed!

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