Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

I took inspiration from the recipe below to make a dessert

in step with American Thanksgiving. The recipe is for a very

thick pie; one for which I did not have a pie plate. Ended up

making it in a square dish, with Crescent Roll pastry for crust.

I also used one container of evaporated milk plus one cup

2% instead of three cups of milk. The mixture seemed sensible,

and filled the dish.

Cooked for an hour at 350°(with foil paper on the last 15 minutes).

The taste is fantastic!!

                                                  *     *     *

What does one make for the day after the feast!?  Little coffee cookies.

From the comments, this recipe is from Morocco. One ends up with

crunchy bites that keep for three weeks. Haven't made it yet, but find it interesting

that the almonds are added to the wet ingredients. One also cooks them

in two instalments; once as a roll. and then cut like bread an on their side.

One can buy these ready-made as biscotti and I have seen them on a Starbucks


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