Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Where I live, an election is an event with clear

boundaries. Because platform is important, more 

than personalities, no one is allowed to make 

pronouncements once voting has begun; and Canada 

crosses six timezones. There is also care given to annnouncements

about results, so that no feedback loops are created. Voting

in France is equally scrupulous in this respect.

Having these warm slippers of correctness on my feet, I can

only look in disbelief at this  American election.

Mail-in voting started in September, two months before the 

so-called Election Day. What is this?? Two-thirds of voting

occured through this and anticipatory voting. In effect, September

is when the election occured and it  just dragged on till closure

on the evening of November 3.

Then there is the postmark issue. Postmarks have long had

a legel sense; for instance, in Canada, postmark will register

whether an individual has sent in their tax return on time.

This is still true, although many now filw electronically. But 

the election seems to be working with ballots received, in some

areas till November 10. Odd!!

Finally, there is concern about valid and invalid entries. On the envelope 

level, this will affect more than one race because a voter is electing 

someone to both the Presidency and perhaps the House and/or Senate; 

and those House votes are where funding and approval happen. One

is tempted to be thankful the Electors can still change their minds!!

What all this brings home to me is how historically grounded the American

system is. Folks from different States pronouncing in the horse and buggy era.

But also forcing today those concerned about issues to be political all the

time. Maybe all that anti-Trump sentiment in media and on social platform

was just folks trying to vote in more complex times. And that's sorta concerning...

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I hesitate to say it🤨, but congratulations to President-elect Biden

and his team. That was a grueling campaign...

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