Sunday, November 22, 2020

Breakout Story

 Finally understood that my problem with Breakout was

that I have no access to game memory. Love 2d handles that 

in the background. Whatever highscore registers in the game, 

it stays there!! The code for Love itself is available, but that's

something else. There are also system calls that can be made, but

I'm not sure where one would do this. For now, will just scratch on

with the assignment.

All very nice to want to give the player more balls, but what is the 

condition that will trigger this!?

                                   *     *     *

Read up in Wikipedia about the original Attari game, and the drama

with Steve Wozniak's coding tour de force. surrounding it. The game is called 

Breakout because it is about inmates wanting to escape from jail. Very nice story, 

and very elegant game.

To play the original:

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