Thursday, November 26, 2020

Silly outcome

I was saddened to read that Suzanne Moore will no longer

be writing for the Guardian UK, someone I always jumped to read 

when her striking gingermop picture appeared on the site. She was a 

victim of cancel culture, encouraged to resign because of a lack of care

in defending a woman's group on the trans cancel list. Guilty

by association, as it where. Not cool, in mho!

The Guardian has a strong Web presence, and I can see the admin would

be sensitive to bad feelings. This, in fact, is one of the differences between

conventional media, and Web media. Once word gets around one is on the 

grey list, readership - and adds - can suffer. But I am also sure the admin did not 

seek this bad outcome, in part for the same reason. How strong or well-off is the 

Trans lobby anyway. 

The Biden administration is slowly being staffed in a 'representative and inclusive'

fashion. Creatives, on the other hand, keep their feathers. Let's not all get silly!!

Columnist says Guardian editor tried to fob her off with 'veggie burger' after colleagues' 'bullying' in transphobia row (

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