Thursday, November 12, 2020


source: L'Obs (Nouvel Observateur) with AFP; posted on November 12, 2020 

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

Russia considers the US electoral system one of "the most archaic" in the world

For Moscow, the American system of indirect universal suffrage “considerably distorts the will of the people”.

If the Kremlin has been silent following Joe Biden's victory, it has been more vocal in criticizing American suffrage. The head of Russian diplomacy on Thursday, November 12, described the American electoral system as one of the most "archaic" in the world, after the victory of Joe Biden disputed by Donald Trump .

"They have arguably the most archaic electoral system existing among the few most important countries in the world," Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference.

A "tradition which distorts the will of the people"

The Russian Foreign Minister criticized in particular the indirect nature of the election of the president, who is elected by an elecoral College appointed by universal suffrage.

Developed in the XVIII th  century, this system requires that the winner be not necessarily the one collecting the most votes nationally, but the one who wins the key states with the most electoral votes.

"If  America is prepared to live with this tradition which considerably distorts the will of the people […] that we leave them to it" , blurted Sergey Lavrov.

Moscow did not congratulate Joe Biden

Like Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sergei Lavrov has indicated that Moscow will congratulate the winner of the election only after the publication of the official results. "Congratulations are sent before publication of the results when there is no dispute," Sergey Lavrov stressed. Unlike most countries in the world, China and Russia did not congratulate Joe Biden.

Donald Trump refused to recognize the latter's victory, announced on Saturday, November 7, denouncing, without providing evidence, fraud in favor of the Democrat, and promising legal actions to come.

The head of the Russian electoral commission estimated Monday, November 9 that the postal vote in the United States left "huge spaces" for possible fraud, echoing the rhetoric of Donald Trump's team.

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