Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Like many others, I am totally stoked at the prospect

of being vaccinated and seeing life return to some

semblance of normalcy. Good work, vacc research.

I am, however, mystified by AstraZeneca whose vaccine

shows better results in the earlier group who only got

half a dose in the first shot, by misgake. A matter for

long-term research, they claim.

Here, I have a hypothesis. Won't be popular, I know.

Could it be that the first group, vaccinated earlier in the

pandemic, ended up both vaccinated and not wearing a

mask at the same time. Because the mask stops one from

infecting others, but not self. If one is actively ill, the mask

might force one to breather the virus back in!! Just an idea,

far from knowledge of the actual experimental set-up.

Don't judge me, as Internet talk would have it.

                                 *     *     *

More drama on the trials!?


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