Monday, August 29, 2022


 Tkinter widgets and ttk widgets need to be coded differently. 

the caledar with DateEntry is similar to a ttk combobox widget.

Below, the code for that from Codemy:



                                                                       *     *     *

Starting to see where the resources and hidden code on theTKCalendar widget

can be found. I am on the PYCharm editor.

From READ I copied the examples code, into Pycharm, and ran it. The result

is a window givinga choice of what each of the 3 example snipets produces.


Read also informed me I could access the options on the calendar widget by asking for


Here is the output from that request:

Finally, a right-click on DateEntry in Example 3, goto, opened the file with all

the goodies, including the hidden codethat created DateEntry!!



I now have a LOT to work with! 

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