Sunday, August 14, 2022


I've finally decided to stop exhausting myself looking stuff up again

and again,  by keeping track of my first 'find'. For my daily food shop.

I now have - in the same folder on my desktop - an URL list of the stores

I shop in, all of which offer a search option ie one can look up the current

price for anything. Ikeep it as a pdf.  And my daily shopping list - with prices -

on a spreadsheet called F_Shopping 8/22. 

I made the original on Google, but downloaded to my desktop, it opens

in Libre Office. If I alter my Google sheet and download that, the new

version will replace the old on my desktop.

Still a tad complicated, but this could become helpful...


                                                                  *     *     *

For those wondering how to add te numbers from a column in a 

spreadsheet, see below. To do an update, one fills in the bracket

in the =SUM function, with the coordinates of the desired cells.

It's easier to watch someone do it than to read instructions!

                                                                      *     *     *


To get the numbers at two decimals with no dollar sign: format->number->financial.
                                                              *     *     *

I live a block from a McDo.!! 

Guess what happens when I click the hyperlink on my spreadsheet:


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