Saturday, August 6, 2022

Lesson 20

Quite enjoyed this lesson, about deploying a canvas widget to draw

on. Standard approach to positioning lines and other figures. The arc

extent is in degrees, counterclockwise; as is the start. Centered the pokeball, 

and added text. Interestingly, the text centers itself over its coordinates!!



                                                                           *     *     *

It pays to be patient. I went ito this python thing because I had not been able

to solve how to work with turtle graphics pro[erly. I have solved both problems

I had with ot today:

Problem 1- How to make turtle appear where one wants on the screen. Answer,

one doesn't. Turtle  always initiates at (0, 0 ) smack in the middle of any screen one moght

care to define. One can make turtle invisible, and move to wherever. There is a setx() or

set(y) function.



Problem 2- Maddelingly, using turtle always opens a new window. the intergration

solution for the tkinter canvas below:




(Fun to use; it's all about where turtle is pointing...)

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