Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Lesson 19

 This next lesson deals with the built-in tkinter progress

bar. In effect, meant to give the user an overview of how an

internet download is going.i must admit, I had to read up

a bit make sense of the task at hand.

Looked up my internet agreement: I do indeed have a 100 Mbps connection;

which is considered fast. But am I really being served at this speed. It 

would appear that the number of people or devices calling on the one contracted

connection add up. Below:


So we are often two in this household, on the internet at the same time. And

Lyse does download things like films and music, although I don't. Voilà. So 

my days alone in the appartment would be a good test of the usefullness of this

still theoretical progress bar.

A simple view of the widget, from the Net:




Each tap on progress advances the green by 20%. A tap on stop resets.

An interesting aspect of using sticky with grid, widgets stick to the border

in the middle and not the sides ie 'stop' sticks to the West!?

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