Friday, October 21, 2022

Those Numbers

 My travails with Python continue. Found this clever code which creates

an onhover function, and added a bind to track the mouse location.

The button gives different numbers that the true root ones can be

imaged to be. The button widget, label, everything with text takes width

commands to be in terms of number of characters, or number of lines for

height. And bind on root always reports the numbers from the uppermost -

visible - widget. So it is...





                                                           *     *     *
I can run smoothly over three adjacent buttons, and each will change

as expected; but this requires three separate instances of the code!



                                                                           *     *     *
So here I am adding an additional button, only it will show a tool tip

with new information:




Finally, this new button will only trigger a tool tip if there is a message to show.

but the message variable has to be set to 'none' or else it shows with no text!!



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