Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 Checked in on Parliament, this morning, to see how those Bills

we were following are faring. Yesterday, was happy to see that C-22, the

Canada Disability Act has passed Second Reading in the House.

Bill C-30 - the GST Bill - has now received Royal assent and will be turned over to the

bureaucray to implement:


*     *     *

Bill C-31 - Dental Care and Housing - is still at Second Reading in the House.

An amendment was proposed by the Conservatives, and will be examined today.

(I believe they have asked for an amendment on division: because there are two

separate measures in the Bill, they wantt a separate vote on each.)

From Hansard, Government Order2 (end):


                                                               *     *     *


*     *     *
I had noted, in my Calendar, a release of Cost Of Living stats for September.

This should be around 10am. 

My Wedenesdays are often marked up, now that I follow the Bank of Canada

and the US Fed, as well.


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