Monday, December 18, 2023


 I've become fascinated by an aspect of the Synfig interface which the course

seems to enjoy. It is a keyboard overlay, a  set-up often used by gamers to show

what they are doing while streaming their gameplay. This one doesn't show the whole

keyboard at once, but only Mouse, Ctrl, Alt and the key. Enter also appears on

the right now and then. Nice.

I've been looking high and low but cannot seem to find the program. The course

was originally recorded on a Russian keyboard. 


*     *     *
I did find that - as of last spring - Russia has been replacing Windows with Astra Linux.

It is the operating system used by the Military, more 'secure'...


                                                                         *     *     *
Still working on Synfig Lesson 6, getting the character to speak. It's tricky to

synchronize the face sequence with the spoken words in the sound file... tomorrow.

On the up side, managed to run the Stickman figurine, which is a python plug-in.

The process of adding a plug-in is easy enough. One just needs to place the Python file

in the right folder.


The code itself is a long take on vectors. For Windows, it can be found below, in the

program files:


It is called as follows:


I am not too discouraged: the code uses codecs, which are translators from one programming

language to another.                                                                              

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