Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Trek

 It is ironical: my father used to joke to me to 'put on my

Pennman' s' when heading on particularly cold days. Pennman's is

a Canadian brand of clothing, known in the early 20th century for

its longjohns.

Well today, the first Christmas Eve with no snow in memory, I am about

to go out in a brand new pair of Pennman's jeggings, size four which I

picked up at Walmart's the other day. A bit loose, but after I wash them I

know they will fit great. Hoorah for Pennman's!!

I also watched a movie on the internet, last night, a Star Trek Movie from 2013

with a whole new set of actors playing Kirk, Spock, Scotty...It was great,

but clearly cinematic where the original was a black and white television event.

I think it might have been made with a wink to us original fans of the product.

At one point, Spock asks for advice to the elder Spock - played by Leonard

Nimoy - with no backstory covering the rest of the modernized characters. Who

cares, this was a ripper. the link below:

Will be going back to Synfig later today. I know I can do this!!

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