Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Lesson 3 of Synfig tutorials contains really invaluable information about

the settings needed to render one's work. 

1- To create a standard .avi, one needs to specify where the rendered animation will go

but also the rendering codec, here ffmpeg, under Target.


2- To create a gif - that keeps looping - the Target is magik++


3- To export 1 or many images(120, by default) as .png, one uses auto:



This can be used to run a sequence one has created in Synfig on a clear background, 

in another video:


Creating an empty folder to receive these images is crucial, or one ends up with 120

images appearing on the desktop...😕

                                                                        *     *     *
The Workshop file with all the items to reproduce the lessons:

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