Thursday, April 25, 2024


 Meta is really aces at giving instructions on working with the computer.

I spent a lot of time yeterday cleaning up my Jupyter notebook opening

page, with a long list of individual notebooks. Couldn't drag'n drop into

folders. So I asked Meta AI for help...


Jupyter notebook; how do I move a notebook into a folder

Meta AI

You can move a Jupyter Notebook into a folder by using the Jupyter Notebook interface or command line. Here are the steps for both methods:

Method 1: Using Jupyter Notebook Interface

Open Jupyter Notebook in your web browser.

Navigate to the dashboard, which lists all your notebooks and folders.

Check the checkbox next to the notebook you want to move.

Click the "Move" button (looks like a folder with an arrow) in the toolbar or press m on your keyboard.

Select the destination folder from the dropdown menu or type the path to the folder.

Click "Move" to confirm.

Method 2: Using Command Line

Open a terminal or command prompt.

Navigate to the directory where your notebook is located using the cd command.

Use the mv command to move the notebook file (.ipynb) into the desired folder.



mv notebook_name.ipynb path/to/destination/folder

Replace notebook_name.ipynb with the name of your notebook file and path/to/destination/folder with the path to the folder you want to move it to.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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