Saturday, April 6, 2024


 So the first step in breaking down the foods that we eat for energy is to convert

glucose (blood sugar) to pyruvate. One molecule of sugar yields two pyruvate.

Noticeable at first glance, the glucose is stable but the pyruvates are reactive; each

has an extra electron. This means they are bases.

So pyruvic acid and pyruvate are acid/base conjugates. In effect, pyruvate is a salt of

pyruvic acid.

There are ten steps involved in going from sugar to pyruvate. The first set are called

the investment stage because energy is needed in the form of ATP. The second is the 

energy production stage, where ATP is actually produced. The process uses 2 and produces

4 ATP, for a net gain of 2.

Enzymes are also needed in this proces:

Pi is inorganic phosphate.

The complete equation for glycolysis is thus the following:

Glucose + 2 NAD+ + 2 ADP + 2 Pi --> 2 Pyruvate + 2 NADH  + 2 H+ + 2 ATP + 2 H2O

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what are oxidation and reduction


Oxidation and reduction are fundamental concepts in chemistry, particularly in the context of chemical reactions. Let’s explore their definitions:


Definition: Oxidation refers to the loss of one or more electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion.

Mnemonic: To remember this, think of “OIL RIG” (Oxidation Is Loss).

Example: When iron reacts with oxygen to form iron(III) oxide (rust), iron loses electrons, and oxygen gains them. This simultaneous process is known as a redox reaction.

Oxidizing Agent: An oxidizing agent is a substance that donates oxygen to another substance during a redox reaction.


Definition: Reduction involves the gain of one or more electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion.

Mnemonic: Remember “OIL RIG” (Reduction Is Gain).

Example: Consider the reduction of ethanal (CH₃CHO) to ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH). Ethanal gains hydrogen atoms (and thus electrons) to form ethanol.

Reducing Agent: A reducing agent is a substance that removes oxygen from another substance during a redox reaction.

Electron Transfer:

Redox Reactions: These are also called oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions.

Definition: Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons between chemical species (atoms, ions, or molecules).

Examples: Rusting of metals, combustion of fuels, and processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration are all redox reactions.

Remember, oxidation and reduction always occur together—when one species is oxidized, another is reduced. These concepts are essential for understanding chemical reactions and the behavior of matter! 🧪🔬

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Based on the search results, there are a few key ways that oxygen is related to acid-base reactions:
  1. Oxygen can participate directly in acid-base reactions:
  • In the Lewis model of acids and bases, acids are electron-pair acceptors and bases are electron-pair donors. Oxygen can act as a base by donating its lone pair of electrons to an acid.13
  • Oxoacids, which contain oxygen atoms, can act as acids by donating protons. The acidity of oxoacids depends on the number of terminal oxygen atoms attached, which affects the distribution of electron density.3
  1. Oxygen is involved in the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system:
  • The reaction CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3- + H+ is a key acid-base buffer system in the body that helps regulate pH. Oxygen is required for cellular respiration, which produces CO2 that feeds into this buffer system.5
  1. Oxygen can indirectly affect acid-base balance:
  • Oxygen is required for the electron transport chain in cellular respiration, which produces ATP. Disruptions to oxygen supply can impact cellular metabolism and acid-base homeostasis.5
  • Hemoglobin's ability to bind oxygen is affected by pH through the Bohr effect, demonstrating the interplay between oxygen transport and acid-base balance.5
In summary, oxygen can directly participate in acid-base reactions, is involved in key buffer systems that regulate pH, and is indirectly linked to acid-base balance through its role in cellular respiration and oxygen transport.135 The relationship between oxygen and acid-base chemistry is multifaceted.
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