Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Powering through this no coffee exercise. Another seven days to go

before it ends. Will I start drinking coffee again once this is over. I wish

I could be sure I won't. 

One issue that keeps coming up is that of sleep patterns. Those who have 

successfully quit say they now sleep through the night, are more rested, and

remember their dreams. It is, at this point, the contrary for me. I have sleepless 

hours in the night, and crash sleep during the day. And yes, I have been remembering

my dreams again, but my dreams are anxious and nightmarish. 

I know that dreaming is really about bits of memory being moved about in the brain. 

I dream of dead people; of having bad relationships with dead people I have in reality 

never even met. The only advantage, here, is that I know these episodes were dreams

rather than a colorful life. Just have to settle for sanity, I guess...

So who needs dreams when there is Facebook. All manner of weird things show

up on my feed: Housing renovation, recipes, Royalty,  language lessons (really enjoying 

the German language ones). Then, recently, a poem by Aragon in the original French

about his beloved combing her hair 'in the  midst of this, our tragedy' (1942 and war with

no end in sight). Below:

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