Saturday, April 27, 2024


 Microsoft and Qunatinuum have recently announced a breakthrough in less

error-prone qunatum computing. I tracked this down to a 2012 paper cited below,

and asked Gemini for help on making sense of it:

Quantum computing; can you help me make sense of this paper: 1208.0928 (

The arxiv paper you refer to,  "Surface codes: Towards practical large-scale quantum computation" by [unknown author(s)],  discusses using surface codes for building large-scale quantum computers. Surface codes are a particular way of arranging and manipulating quantum bits (qubits) to make them more resistant to errors.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Introduction to Surface Codes:

The paper starts by estimating the potential size and speed of a quantum computer built with surface codes.

It then dives into the concept of stabilizers, which are error-detecting mechanisms for qubits.

It explains how these stabilizers are applied to a two-dimensional array of physical qubits to form the surface code.

Logical Qubits and Fault Tolerance:

The paper explains how groups of physical qubits within the surface code array can be used to create logical qubits, which are the information-carrying units of a quantum computer.

It explores how fault-tolerant these logical qubits are, meaning how well they resist errors during computations.

Quantum Gates and Operations:

The paper outlines how logical qubits can be moved around within the surface code array.

It describes how sequences of qubit manipulations, called braid transformations, are constructed.

Interestingly, it explains how a braid between two logical qubits can be used to perform a controlled-NOT operation, a fundamental operation in quantum computing.

Finally, it covers single-qubit gates like Hadamard, S, and T gates, which along with controlled-NOT gates, are essential for a universal quantum computer (one that can perform any quantum computation).

Physical Implementations:

The paper briefly touches upon different ways to physically implement surface code quantum computers.

Overall, this paper provides an introduction to surface codes and how they can be used for building large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers.

If you'd like to delve deeper, you can search for terms like "surface code stabilizer", "fault-tolerant logical qubit", or "braid transformations in surface code" to find more detailed explanations.

What are logical qubits

Logical qubits are a key concept in building robust quantum computers. Here's how they work:

Regular vs. Logical Qubits:

Physical Qubits: These are the actual quantum bits used in a machine. They can be fragile and prone to errors due to their quantum nature.

Logical Qubits: Imagine a group of physical qubits working together. A logical qubit is the information encoded across these multiple physical qubits. By cleverly using entanglement and error correction techniques, the logical qubit becomes more resilient to errors compared to a single physical qubit.

Benefits of Logical Qubits:

Error Correction: Quantum computations are very sensitive to errors. Logical qubits help mitigate this issue. By encoding information across multiple physical qubits, even if one physical qubit flips (changes its state), the overall logical qubit state can be preserved by analyzing the remaining qubits.

Fault Tolerance: Logical qubits allow for building fault-tolerant quantum computers. This means even with some errors in the physical qubits, the computation can still be performed accurately.

Creating Logical Qubits:

Logical qubits are built using multiple physical qubits entangled in a specific way. The entanglement creates a link between the qubits, so their fates are intertwined. This linkage allows error correction to be performed across the group.

Importance of Logical Qubits:

Logical qubits are crucial for achieving large-scale quantum computation. Without them, errors would quickly accumulate, making any meaningful computations impossible. By using logical qubits, researchers hope to build quantum computers that can tackle problems  beyond the reach of classical computers.

In essence, logical qubits are a way to harness the power of multiple physical qubits to create a more robust unit of information for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

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