Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 Starting week 4 of no coffee. Woke up this morning looking forward

to researching adenosine receptors, and thought to myself, 'I'll just make the

coffee quickly so I can get to work'...Which just goes to show that we 

consume things out of habit, and not just cravings!!

So the story on adenosine receptors is this. One person on YouTube explained

caffeine addiction by the body ending up with a surfeit of adenosine receptors

and not adenosine as such. This actually makes sense if we consider that

adenosine in the body is present as a result of the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate

or ATP, the energy component of the Krebs cycle, the digestion cycle.

Finally got a straight-up overview from Gemeni AI. Below:



So, too many receptors it is. Good work from a layman caffeine victim:


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