Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Hoorah! My 30 days without coffee is done. I took a picture at bedtime two

days ago and compared to one from February. I am more tired and ready to sleep

but also have a cleaner complexion. Who knew!!


                                                               *     *     *

Here it is, in 3D. 

Carbon in grey; Hydrogen in white; Nitrogen in blue; Oxygen in red.


It is of the purine family, and is cyclic and aromatic ie stablizing...



                                                           *     *     *

This week's Codemy Platform6 code wraps the player around.If Player goes off

on the left, he re-appears on the right. And vice versa. Player goes off on the right,

he re-appears on the left. Simple if clause.

More ingenious, if Player falls into the water, he re-appears in his initial position

at the top of the screen. To do this, we create a start_position.x, and a start_position.y

as variable names for the initial x,y. Then if player falls in the water, he is sent back

to his initial position.

import pygame
import self as self

#Define a 2d vector
vector = pygame.math.Vector2

#Initialize the game

# Set display surface (divisible by 32 tile size)
WINDOW_WIDTH = 960 # 30 columns
WINDOW_HEIGHT = 640 # 20 rows
display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Aspen Platformer -")

# Set FPS and clock
FPS = 60
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Tile Class
class Tile(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
# Read and Create tiles and put em on the screen
def __init__(self, x, y, image_integer, main_group, sub_group=""):
# Load image and add to the tile subgroups
if image_integer == 1:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Brown.png')
elif image_integer == 2:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Green.png')
elif image_integer == 3:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Blue.png')

# add every tile to main tile group

# Get rect of images and position within the grid
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = (x,y)

# Apsen Player Class
class Aspen(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, grass_tiles, water_tiles):
# Define our aspen image
self.image = pygame.image.load("images/P.png")
# Get rect
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Position aspen
self.rect.bottomleft = (x,y)

# Reset Player if he falls in the Water
self.start_x = x
self.start_y = y

#Define our grass and water
self.grass_tiles = grass_tiles
self.water_tiles = water_tiles

# Kinematic Vectors (x,y)
self.position = vector(x,y)
self.velocity = vector(0,0)
self.acceleration = vector(0,0)

# Kinematic Constants

def jump(self):
# Only when player is on grass
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.grass_tiles, False):
self.velocity.y = -1 * self.VERTICAL_JUMP_SPEED # jumping upwards thus negative

def update(self):
# set initial acceleration to 0,0 to start
self.acceleration = vector(0, self.VERTICAL_ACCELERATION)
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
self.acceleration.x = -1 * self.HORIZONTAL_ACCELERATION
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
self.acceleration.x = self.HORIZONTAL_ACCELERATION

# Calculate new Kinematics
self.acceleration.x -= self.velocity.x * self.HORIZONTAL_FRICTION
self.velocity += self.acceleration
self.position += self.velocity + 0.5 * self.acceleration

# Set up wraparound
if self.position.x <0: #x value of position on left side of screen
self.position.x = WINDOW_WIDTH
if self.position.x > WINDOW_WIDTH: # Right side of the screen
self.position.x = 0

# update rect
self.rect.bottomleft = self.position

# Check for collisions with Grass
touched_platforms = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.grass_tiles, False) # Return a python list of tiles we touched
if touched_platforms:
self.position.y = touched_platforms[0] + 1
self.velocity.y = 0

# Check for collisions with Water
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.water_tiles, False):
# print("You Died!")
# Reset Player to the top of the screen - starting position
self.position = vector(self.start_x, self.start_y)
# Reset Velocity
self.velocity = vector(0,0)

# Define our sprite groups
main_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
grass_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
water_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
aspen_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

# Create a tile map, nested python list: 0=no tile, 1=dirt, 2=grass, 3=water, 4=aspen
tile_map = [

# Create Tile objects from the tile map
# 2 for loops because tile map is nested. 20 i down
for i in range(len(tile_map)):
# loop through the 30 elements in each list, j across
for j in range(len(tile_map[i])):
# Check for 0,1,2,3
if tile_map[i][j] == 1:
# dirt
Tile(j*32, i*32, 1, main_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 2:
# grass
Tile(j*32, i*32, 2, main_tile_group, grass_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 3:
# water
Tile(j*32, i*32, 3, main_tile_group, water_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 4:
aspen = Aspen(j*32, i*32 + 32, grass_tile_group, water_tile_group)

# Add a background
bg_image = pygame.image.load('images/bg.png')
bg_image_rect = bg_image.get_rect()
bg_image_rect.topleft = (0,0)

# Game Loop
running = True
while running:
# Check to quit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# Jump
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:

# fill the display or blit an image
# display_surface.fill("black")
display_surface.blit(bg_image, bg_image_rect)

# Draw the Tiles

# Update and draw sprites

# Update Display

# End the game

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