Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Still not happy with my Eclipse Gif. It is to be expected that the

observer's surroundings will not go completely dark but have something

of a twilight effect because the sun is still shining from behind the

occultation. but how do I show this:


Perplexity just helped me figure out how to  run an opacity gradient at the same

time as a color one. It turns out that the opacity on a gradient can be set for each

color point independently.

Here is my test:

The background layer is bright red.


    The layer on top has variable opacity:


This is set when one defines each of the stops. First a royal blue set at 50%:


And a white stops set at 100%:


The result:


 One is free to add as many stops as one wants.                                

                                                                     *     *     *

I can go further, and put the speed of the transition on a curve. One goes to the

gradient layer, right-clicks for a Distortions layer, then Curved Warp.


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