Monday, April 22, 2024


 Why use complex numbers. From BBC Bitesize mathematics (requires Hola):

Maths GCSE: Imaginary numbers at use in the real world - BBC Teach

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From Bing/Chat:

Imaginary numbers play a crucial role in air traffic control, enabling more efficient and accurate tracking of planes. Let me explain how:

Complex Plane Representation:

Air traffic control systems use a mathematical framework called the complex plane. This plane combines real numbers (the familiar ones we use every day) with imaginary numbers.

The imaginary unit, denoted as “i”, is defined as the square root of -1. It doesn’t have a real counterpart but is essential for solving certain equations.

Radar and Tracking:

Radar systems track planes by measuring their distance and angle relative to a fixed point (usually an airport or control center).

These measurements are represented as polar coordinates (distance and angle) in the complex plane.

Imaginary numbers simplify these calculations significantly.

Complex Numbers for Tracking:

When tracking planes, air traffic control uses complex numbers to represent their positions.

The real part of the complex number corresponds to the horizontal distance (e.g., east-west), while the imaginary part represents the vertical distance (e.g., altitude).

By using complex numbers, controllers can efficiently compute distances and angles between planes.

Avoiding Ambiguity:

Without imaginary numbers, radar measurements would be limited to real numbers (only distance or only angle).

This limitation would lead to ambiguities in tracking. For example:

Two planes at the same distance but different altitudes would appear as one point.

Two planes at the same altitude but different distances would also overlap.

Imaginary numbers allow us to distinguish these scenarios.

Smoother Calculations:

Complex numbers simplify calculations involving rotations and translations.

When planes change altitude or direction, their positions are updated using complex arithmetic.

This ensures smoother and more accurate tracking.

In summary, imaginary numbers enhance air traffic control by providing a powerful mathematical framework for tracking planes. Without them, radar systems would struggle to handle the complexities of three-dimensional positioning. If you’d like to explore this topic further, you can watch this video featuring Professor Marcus du Sautoy. 😊🛫🌐1

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At 7:45 pm, Montreal

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