Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 Yeah, the Eclise experience was very powerful. I asked  Bing/Chat for precise

timing because - without real Eclipse glasses at my disposal - I coud only

watch the Sun for the 2 minutes of Totality. And totally worth it, it was.

Just like my Gif had predicted.

The environment itself was actually scary. On the side of the Eclipse, 

the darkness was total, as if some huge extrterrestial ship was in the

viccinity. Looking North, it was all pink twilight.

To keep myself otherwise busy, I watched a movie. The Godather(1972)

which I never got around to seeing. Blended nicely with the mood of the 

day, DARK. Marlon Brando really is exceptional here, inline with his conception

of acting: making himself - and us - feel every nuance of the character's inner

unfolding (Stanislavski), never so delicate as when he is ordering some unspeakable horror

to be unleashed. In contrast, other actors going the Method Acting route, thinking

about their last visit to the dentist to make themselves cry. And everything in between,

with many doing television work like they were on some 50s crime show, telegraphing

information between commercials.

Poor Al Pacino looking stunned and embarassed: his family actually did emigrate

from Corleone Sicily. Pulled through like a trooper.

Made me nostalgic for earlier times, when acting was serious business.

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