Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cleanse Mono Diet

author: Erwann Menthéour, Fitnext, France
translation: doxa-louise


Fitnext clients know this: the mono diet is the first step toward an in-depth detox of one's organism.The imminent passage to autumn (this is equally true in the spring) is the ideal moment to proceed with this cleansing of the body, enabling one to restart on a healthy basis. Yet one must know how to proceed and understand the benefits of this ancestral practice. To help you with your first mono diet, Fitnext is offering some sound advice so that these few days proceed in a serene and harmonious fashion.

                                           1- WHAT IS A MONO DIET?

A mono diet is taking in one and unique food throughout one or many meals. Thus, your digestive apparatus is less taxed, and digestion is faster and less laborious than after a traditional meal. The goal is to give your intestines a rest so that these can better do their work. And very important work at that because, contrary to what one may think, the intestines are not only a transition between what enters and leaves your organism. Their role is much more complex. Along with the kidneys, the liver, the skin and the lungs, the intestines are part of the five principal emunctory systems  of the body. Expressed simply, they are one of the major exit points for toxins. They act as a filter. Yet these filters need to be in good shape.

A mono diet can be done for one meal only but will be of much greater benefit if used for three consecutive days. For those who think this practice may be dangerous or create deficiencies, I have but this to say: do not worry. if the mono diet is carried out correctly, it will have but positive consequences for the organism. Moreover, keep in mind that an anything-goes or 100% industrial diet can be much more damaging.

                                           2- WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A MONO DIET?

Once it is clear that that a mono diet helps put the intestines back in shape, one may wonder: 'Fine, but what are the concrete benefits be for my shape?' A very legitimate concern. First of all, it should be understood that one does not undertake a mono diet to loose weight. This is not the purpose. Indeed,your intestines having less digestive work to do, they will use the available energy to proceed with a major cleansing and eliminate all polluting particles present. Be it heavy metals, putrifying garbage, etc...As a result, you will find new energy and real comfort at the level of the abdomen. No more abdominal bloat! All chances are that your transit will return to normal. But these improvements are only the beginning. Following the three days of mono diet, the idea is to emphasize the following weeks healthy eating, varied, balanced and living. Thus, by offering but good foods to your organism freshly cleaned, your shape will only get better. Your skin and hair should bear witness to this.
                                          3- WHAT TO EAT DURING A MONO DIET?

Fitnext recommends do the diet with apples or grapes. As always, it is much recommended to turn to fruit from bio agriculture to take the detoxification process all the way. In this manner, one avoids ingesting a lot of pesticides. One can also do the mono diet with carrots. Lastly, for those afraid of being racked by hunger, the mono diet is doable with rice. In this case, choose complete and bio rice. nonetheless, whatever the food chosen, it is important to stay hydrated during the mono diet.. It is possible to alternate between good quality water, thyme infusions or even green tea.

                                           4- HOW DOES ON FEEL DURING A MONO DIET?

I will not lie to you, the mono diet is not a particularly easy time. We are used to eating complete meals, often containing starches in great quantity and animal protein. In short, hunger-curbing foods. In the beginning, that first day, the feeling of hunger can be somewhat troubling. Hold tight! Then , the body getting rid of garbage can create feelings similar to those of drug rehab: nausea, headaches, body pain. Lets not exaggerate, this won't be all-encompassing. Each person will react differently. It is however recommended to take on the mono diet in an environment that is soothing.

                                          5- HOW TO TRANSITION BACK FROM THE MONO DIET?

Once the mono diet over, it is especially important not to go back to previous eating habits, or gargantuan meals. There would be a real shock to the organism. Eating again must be done progressively and with quality foods. With concentration on fruit and vegetables, then adding foods such as cereals and pulses to one's menu. Especially important, wait two days before eating animal protein again. And to prolong the benefits of the diet, one stays away as much as possible from industrial foods (pastries, candies, prepared meals, etc...) One keeps to mind that to have a healthy body, nothing can replace a living and varied diet.

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