Saturday, September 19, 2015


The temperature is expected to plummet on Sunday, reaching 'seasonal' values: here in Southern Quebec, that means misery begins for another cycle. It is a time of reclusion, we can't just open windows anymore, or walk outside. Which brings me to baking. Made a banana and canned peaches bread to ease the transition.

I would gladly share the recipe, but I'm not sure what the precise proportions were: it's a clean-out-the-fridge moment for me at season change, and that piece of butter in the freezer went into it. And the one banana I had. And those canned peaches I was trying to get through and so forth. Tastes just fine although I didn't use up the walnuts, but kept those for salads. Threw in some cinnamon and vanilla instead. I did measure the two cups of flour, and the two eggs are straight- forward. Wasn't sure if the pear juice from the peaches was acid enough so used both baking powder and baking soda. All lifted nicely.

My cache of brown sugar is a solid block in a jar, which I only attempt for small quantities. Put it an indefinite amount of white, spleen de l'automne attack for me.

Not Starbucks quality though, which as I recall is oily and dark. Need to get to Montreal for that; our Starbucks closed this summer as well as the Target store that housed it. So it goes...

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