Wednesday, January 31, 2018


One can amuse oneself with giving a child id to elements within a
flexbox container, and styling them as such, but stricto sensu, inheritance is
something else. A child element inherits all the properties and methods
of the parent.

The code below declares child elements by adding > to the container
class. (The asterisk * indicates 'all').

Browsers are showing some differences on my computer. Views 1 and 2 are with
Chrome, 3 Firefox and 4 Edge. I might add that Mac family computers need an
additional line of code with Webkit.

Getting fancy, one can specify different layouts once the code checks for the
dimensions on the user's device.

                                                           *    *     *
Aded a font size to ul styling, and made West pink inline. Below,
a comparison of what minimum width does: Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

The day is still young...

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