Wednesday, January 3, 2018


According to the current Wired magazine web-site,
bottom line on millennials (born after 1995) is that they
spend less time socializing face to face with their peers.They party less,
and they hang out less than the previous generation to the tune of 1 hour
per day. That time is going to social media...

Is there a problem here; after all, social media is where technological advance
is taking us. Depending on the teen's age, one can see various pros and
cons. Pro, social media is group oriented and forces one to consider a larger
community of friends; con, younger teens may end up stalking and being
stalked! My own experience as a parent: it does force the child to actually
use that fancy and expensive education he/she is getting. It's ruthless out there...
(True for me, as well; content creation is a devouring ambition).

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