Sunday, January 7, 2018


So there ae two things on my resolutions list for 2018. Learning to
code with HTML/Javascript like a pro (practice, practice...); and
getting through Flaubert's Education Sentimentale.

The first is self-explanatory. Because...

The second is perhaps less obvious. Flaubert is known for Madame Bovary,
a rather scathing picture of a middle class woman, which I dutifully read in College.
In the mid-19th Century, there was no Sociology, Psychology, Therapy.
It befell on so-called realist novelists to shed light on certain issues, a procedure
that might seem a little savage to us, because the picture that emerges - here,of a woman
overfed on sentimental literature - can appear cruel.

L'Educaltion Sentimenale is the companion novel, this time with a male protagonist.
Below, a random paragraph page 10.

 Elle lisait un mince volume à couverture grise. Les deux coins de sa bouche se relevaient par moments, et un éclair de plaisir illuminait son front. Il jalousa celui qui avait inventé ces choses dont elle paraissait occupée. Plus il la contemplait, plus il sentait entre elle et lui se creuser des abîmes. Il songeait qu’il faudrait la quitter tout à l’heure, irrévocablement, sans en avoir arraché une parole, sans lui laisser même un souvenir ! 


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