Thursday, January 11, 2018

Lesson3 (head)

I hope to explore this question in more detail later, but it
is important to note that the head tags, right after the opening
html, contain information that will not show up in the visual Web page
as such, but is nonetheless essential. For example, the title of the page,
because this is what will appear in the title bar when the Web Page is displayed.
And, using the tags we find information about the document, such as
the encoding (useful to the browser), or again the author (useful to search engines).
The doctype declaration at the very beginning declares the document to be consistent
with HTML5 2015.

Below I have added price in Euros to yesterday's code. Errors in display often
show up unexpectedly and - on testing - one needs to know
where to make changes.

                                                  *     *     *
One can ask to see the code from any Web page with a right click: view source
will show the document form the beginning; inspect element will take one to the element
clicked on. The Dynamite Clothing site has 1700 lines of code before reaching the
closing head !!

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