Sunday, January 21, 2018

Lesson 12 (tables)

Creating and styling a table is rather simple in HTML;
just make it visually appealing:
tr is table row; th is table heading, td is table data
tc is table column.
The table comes with a double line unless one specifies:
border-collapse: collapse.
Setting table-width at 50 % will reduce the width by half.
Column-span at 2 has made room for 2 phone numbers.
I added an extra box by adding a td tag pair and
leaving it empty.
On view 2, I changed the text and background colors with styling on td.
                            *     *     *
I'm actually thinking of creating a table of Coffee Houses with the premium
drink I could order when in Montreal: Small Cappuccino at one, Medium
Mokaccino at the other...I NEVER remember!...with calorie counts and

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