Monday, January 29, 2018

Slice (Javascript) & Lesson 19 (head)

When getting user input with JavaScript, one needs to use
an entity designed to facilitate the job such as a prompt or a form.
Just lifting text can be tedious. Below, I want to get the name of
the person in the red dress for the photo: I have to create a variable
with a slice ie pick up the letters of the name...

photo source: MSN

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Below, the blog as seen on a mobile phone (iphone6/7), with Screenfly.
I set the screen to horizontal, and allowed scrolling.

                                         *     *     *
And just to see what the 'test your code' issues are, try Screenfly with the following:

                                      *    *     *

  Going to Mozilla Developer Network, one can find out a few useful things
about why the head section, and its meta tags,  are important:
- specifying that the character set is utf-8 means that foreign characters -such
as Japanese - will be rendered;
- adding a title to the document will give the site a name.This name will appear
on the browser tab, and will be the suggested name for an addition to
- 'name' and 'content' can be used to store the name of the author;
- keywords are no longer used, but looking up Search Engine Optimization
will yield suggestion on information that might interest browsers;
- Google Webmaster Tools will provide Analytics;
- It is a good idea to specify the language in which the site is written.

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