Wednesday, September 18, 2019

At Court

Recriminations in politics are a messy thing. Did hard Brexit
win the referendum? Actually, it did! The Leave side played
on British identity, the Remain side on consequences. Leave
was quick and funny on the facts - classic Dom, in reference to
Dominic Cummings, the strategsist from PR - while remain was
laborious and careful. 'We are British rather than European' won.

So now the Remain side is at court, decrying that the government is
reckless, not allowing the full story on Brexit to be heard because
of prorogation. The government is arguing that politics played itself out
quite normally, a view earlier expressed by the court. Can one really
expect a court to rule voters were hoodwinked a little too much!?

I would be surprised if the government didn't win this round!

source: BBC

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