Thursday, September 19, 2019


I must admit all this time-warp drama on the web seems
funny and a little silly. Like reproaches that the Monica
character on Friends was played by slim Courtney Cox rather
than an actual fat person. That was 20 years ago, and the
show was about sexual mores. Monica's obesity was an
afterthought, a plot filler. Indeed, Monica's perfectionist/
neurotic personality is precisely not that of an overeater.
The appetitive one was clothes-loving Rachel!

Yeah, there's stuff in my past as well, like a photo of me aged 5
in panties and full Indian head-dress playing a small drum. It
was family shownight at the cottage and my father cross-dressed
on that occasion to the point of wearing black show gloves over
his hairy arms, while  my ever well-coiffed mother wore men's
jeans and carried a bucket to go milk the cows with her girlfriend.
Not letting any of that leak to the Net.

And in defense of poor Mr Trudeau, drama coach and party
person for a private Secondary School in his agitated past. let me
share how e-learning computers would see him. Seemed funny
to me yesterday afternoon; maybe it was prescient...

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