Monday, September 16, 2019

Yemenite War

The Yemenite war is a long-simmering conflict in Yemen between
Houthi tribes and government forces. Saudi Arabia leads a coalition
against the Houthis, but not really pro government because the
deposed leader is currently in exile in Ryad, and the Emirates support
a government faction that would see the country eventually divided.

There is a grave humanitarian crisis touching two-thirds of the population,
decried by the UN.

From French-language Wikipedia:

Role of Iran and North Korea 

According to the United Nations (UN) and the coalition supporting the Yemeni government, the Houthis are aided by Iran 6 and North Korea 431 .

According to a report by UN experts, North Korea and the Houtis rebels negotiated a "cooperation protocol" in 2016 thanks to Hussein Al-Ali, a Syrian arms dealer. This led to the delivery of a "wide variety of military equipment". Hussein Al-Ali provided the Houthis with small arms and ballistic missiles of North Korean manufacture 432 .

If Iran has fiercely condemned the Saudi intervention and proposed peace negotiations, its concrete support to Houthi is, according to Le Monde , difficult to evaluate 55 .

The Saudi intervention had the effect of increasing Iranian influence in the country 411 . Extremely limited initially Iranian assistance would take the form of supplies of weapons and sending military advisers 411 . Saudi Arabia accuses the Houthis of being agents of Iran, receiving direct orders, but the New York Times says that, according to analysts, it is not proven 433 .

According to the former UN negotiator on Yemen, Younes Abouyoub: "Historically, Houthist leaders have little relationship with Tehran (...). Their religious sect, Zaïdisme , is only very dimly similar to the Shiism practiced in Teheran. Yet Iran has been the only [country] to support them for four years of war [since the Saudi intervention of March 26, 2015] and they have become closer. This is the second historical irony of this war: it opened Yemen to the Iranians " 434 .

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