Thursday, September 19, 2019


I am about to engage on an eating challenge I
never thought I would attempt: drinking something
green for breakfast. A  mixture of fruit and veg, with
a hint of ginger and garlic. The gourmand in me is
not okay with it: why!? for breakfast, no less...

There are many green smoothie recipes on-line, but
I bought a commercial one to get an idea of what an
acceptable taste for it is. And the underlying health
reason is clear: naturally-sourced vitamins, fibre, with
some versions low-carb so that there is little call on

The one I have is 270 calories but high in carbs at 63 grams.
So I'll have half of it with two Ryvita crackers and almond butter.
Tomorrow, ten AM. See how it goes...

*     *     *

When food is used as medicine, one can expect the worse but I was
pleasantly surprised by this beverage. Not a party drink, but pleasant
enough with a strong note of mango.

Made a 14 minute video of myself tasting this. I think of myself
as an expert English speaker, but I have a rather strong French accent!!

Anyway, it's fine..

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