Saturday, September 7, 2019


The problem with self-medication is not that it is too difficult;
there is a great deal of helpful advice available on all kinds of
conditions. The real problem is that it is one-sided. Take
well-intentionned me, as an example. I have been off meat and
processed meats now for decades - my parents died of heart
disease and cancer respectively - only to read the other day
that as heart disease risks go down, those for cerebral hemorrhage
go up, because people's blood vessels are too thin!! Spider veins
since my twenties? Check! Funny shaows around the temples? Two
summers ago! Tendency to fall? Off my bike, and off my feet in
the snow. Good-bye immortality! I have been neglecting myself.

This is where a health care professional comes in. Who has been pushing
B12 vitamins at me for years. These people have a checklist, an actual
overview. Now I on a tail-spin about vitamin absorption because - you
know - natural sources are so much better. Older people and their ills
are walking testaments to distorted thinking.

 Congratulations to Amberlynn Reid on salad breakfasts; that's the way through!


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