Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cancer Question

One of the most informative - and soothing - people
on the Internet is Dr Eric Berg. He practices holistic (whole-body)
health (rather than treat disease), and has very interesting
things to say about cancer.

We have all experienced the presence of cancer in our lives,
in our selves, survivors among us, and many who have died.
The chances of getting a cancer remain the same, but over
time many get hit, a bit like 'loosing' the lottery.

Cancer is not tissue-specific but can occur anywhere in the
body. That is because cancer starts with cell damage from
radiation, or injury. The mitochondria (energy factory module)
within a cell is damaged and the cell reverts to fermenting blood
sugar to survive and replicate.

Medically, the approach is to remove the cancerous cells, surgically
or chemically. In a wider health perspective, there is much a
person can do to help herself. 

Cell damage is not rare in the body, but the body can be
be overwhelmed. This is why it is important to pursue a
healthy life style at all ages.

Equally important to remember for an adult, though, that the person must
decide for herself. Leaving the person her autonomy and privacy,
can go a long way!

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